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If you are receiving this packet, then you have a contract to provide public involvement on a Bangerter Highway project. This guide includes the process for communication on a Bangerter project and contact information for trouble-shooting, overall corridor vision statement, branding rules and guidelines, how to create your project sub-brand, and templates for materials.


Project Material Templates
Download fonts, logos, and templates for use on your projects here














Process of Communication

There are many projects in various phases happening along the Bangerter corridor all with different UDOT Project Managers, consultant teams, public involvement specialists, and contractors. To control branding, communication between projects, and media relations, all project communications will go through: 

Region Two Communications Manager 

Agustin Avalos


Social Media: Package social media videos and posts for distribution through Agustin.

Media: All media will be coordinated with Agustin and the Central UDOT Communications Office.

Printed Materials: Use the templates in this packet and get final approval from Agustin and your UDOT project manager before

public distribution.


Website: Bangerter currently has an overall corridor website at This overall site has an overall map with links to either UDOT summary pages for smaller projects or to stand alone Bangerter sub-branded project websites. If your project warrants its own website, please contact:


John Niederhauser
Horrocks Engineers Graphics


John will set up your website, link it to the overall Bangerter site, and give you access to make and edit your own project content. John is also available to help troubleshot branding questions  and technical issues.




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