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Q: Why are these changes necessary?


A: Bangerter operates using a series of traffic signals at a majority of its intersections, causing significant congestion in recent years. This congestion also exists for cross traffic moving east-west. Interchanges along Bangerter allow traffic to move more freely and at speeds that are more consistent in all directions. In addition, eliminating traffic signals on Bangerter and having fewer traffic signal movements on cross streets, improves safety and reduces the risk of accidents.

Q: What does it mean if I own property adjacent to Bangerter Highway?


A: Each project will evaluate the project’s potential impacts to your property and determine if those impacts will require acquisition; however, not all properties located adjacent to Bangerter will be impacted. UDOT will only acquire the property needed to build and safely operate the interchange. A project team member will be in direct contact with property owners and renters whose properties may be impacted to provide information and answer questions. For any property that needs to be acquired for a project, UDOT follows state and federal relocation processes and procedures.​

Q: What is a grade-separated interchange?


A: Grade separation is a crossing of two highways at different heights (grades). A bridge that spans highways or railroad tracks (as an overpass) is a grade separation structure. The grade separation allows traffic on at least one highway to pass through the junction without directly crossing any other traffic stream.

Q: How can I stay updated on all of the projects or a particular project?


A: Contact information for individual projects is listed on each project website (located on the current projects tab). Once on the site for the project you are interested in, you can fill out the contact form, email the project team, or call a representative on the project hotline.

Q: Why didn’t UDOT build Bangerter as a grade-separated freeway from the beginning?


A: Planning for the highway began in the 1960s and was designed as a 30 year solution. Construction began in 1988 and was completed in 1998. With higher than expected growth in the area, Bangerter has exceeded operational expectations.

Q: Why are the some of the intersections being converted to interchanges when UDOT upgraded them to Continuous Flow Intersections in 2011?


A: At that time, funding wasn’t identified for all of the intersections to be upgraded to interchanges. The CFI’s were a lower cost, interim solution to relieve congestion.

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